[OpenCV #6]split and merge

OpenCV/example 2013. 2. 20. 18:17

1.분리하고 통합

result - 원본 이미지를 RGB로 분리하고 Red와 Blue 채널을 바꿔, 통합한 결과

gray - 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B 공식을 적용하여 gray이미지 출력

밑의 창들은 채널 분리한 결과

void split(const Mat& mtx, Vector<Mat>& mv)

mtx - the original color image

mv - the result set is 1-channel image


void merge(const Vector<Mat>& mv, Mat& dst)

mv - the original set of 1-channel image

dst - the resulting color image




using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
 Mat image = imread("sistar.jpg"); //Load image form disk
 if(!image.data) return -1; //Check image
 //Split the original image into three channels
 vector<Mat> channels;
 split(image,channels); //Partition image into three channel planes



 //Changes the Red and Blue sites:
 Mat imagelzm;


 //Calculating the brightness according to the formula 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B

 //(But, in fact, it's right to do woth cvtColor)
 Mat gray=0.299*channels[2]+0.587*channels[1]+0.114*channels[0];
 waitKey(0); //Wait for keystroke
 return 0;



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